Time jokes Jokes Funny Time jokes Jokes

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There are 35 Time jokes Jokes in this category.

When do clocks dieWhen their time is from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
When do clocks die? When their time is up.

If your watch is broken why cant from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
If your watch is broken, why can't you go fishing? Because you don't have the time.

Why do people beat their clocksTo kill from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Why do people beat their clocks? To kill time.

Why couldnt the clock be kept in from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Why couldn't the clock be kept in jail? Because time was always running out.

Why shouldnt you tell secrets when a from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Why shouldn't you tell secrets when a clock is around? Because time will tell.

When is the best time to go from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
When is the best time to go shopping? When the stores are open.

What time is it when your watchdog from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
What time is it when your watchdog lets a robber take the family silver? Time to get a new watchdog.

What time is it when five dogs from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
What time is it when five dogs are chasing a cat down the street? Five after one.

What dog can tell the time A from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
What dog can tell the time ? A watch dog !

A man with one watch knows what from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.

While proudly showing off his new apartment from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den. "What is the big brass gong and hammer for?" one of his friends asked. "That is the talking clock," the man replied. "How's it work?" the friend asked. "Watch," the student said then proceeded to give the gong an ear shattering pound with the hammer. Suddenly someone screamed from the other side of the wall, "KNOCK IT OFF, YOU JERK! It's two AM!"

st Roman Soldier What is the time from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
1st Roman Soldier: What is the time ? 2nd Roman Soldier: XX past VII !

Do you know the time No we from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Do you know the time ? No, we haven't met yet !

Why is the time in the USA from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Why is the time in the USA behind that of England ? Because England was discovered before the USA !

One day a man met three beggars from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
One day a man met three beggars. To the first he gave a dime, to the second a dime, and to the third a nickel. What time was it? A quarter to three.

Why did the man put a clock from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Why did the man put a clock under his desk? He wanted to work overtime.

What time is it when a clock from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
What time is it when a clock strikes thirteen? Time to get it fixed.

Why did the kid put his clock from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Why did the kid put his clock in the oven. He wanted to have a hot time.

What kind of watch is best for from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
What kind of watch is best for people who don't like time on their hands? A pocket watch.

Julie What time is itCounsellor Three oclockJulie from Flashcomment Time jokes Jokes
Julie: What time is it? Counsellor: Three o'clock. Julie: Oh,no! Counsellor: What's the matter? Julie: I've been asking the time all day. And everybody gives me a different answer!

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